How to create an effective social media campaign

By admin

  • October 7, 2013,
social media campaign

social media campaign

It is no secret that social media has become the most effective way of marketing and communicating with the customers. If you are still fondling with the idea as to how important your social media campaign would be, then you would have to pay some serious catch up. While everyone is after creating the perfect social media appearance, the recipe for creating the perfect social media campaign is still a mystery. So, if you are starting out with the social media, what are the best steps that you should take towards establishing an effective social media campaign?

Know the field

This is the first step, and is where people make the biggest mistake in advertising– being hasty. Know your audience. Know the type of people to whom you intend to reach out via your social media campaign. This information will help you a lot in shaping the further steps of the campaign. How would you do this? Well, there is no prescription for this. It all depends on what you want to sell to the public, and who is willing to buy it.

Build a Holistic persona

The whole point of having a social media profile is to become something more than a plain business to the people. For this, you would have to use different sorts of social media platform to carry out your campaign. These days, there’s no ‘one right’ platform to promote yourself. Start with Facebook, but your aim should be to expand to Twitter and LinkedIn. Apart from these, there are many other social media options. Google+, YouTube, Pinterest are some of the other major platforms in which developing an audience would help you.

Modulating the quality of Content

Content is the king. It’s true for blogging, and it’s true of social media campaign building. The content of the posts and tweets you make should be very relevant to the kind of business you are in to, and at the same time, should not be only about your services. Social media is not just another advertising platform. It’s a place where people would notice you, if they can rely on your profiles to get the latest info in your niche of products and services. You should use the content to show off your unique selling point (USP), and focus on branding yourself.

Utilize mobile

Larger proportion of people is focusing on consuming content from their mobile devices. To tap into their tablet and Smartphone usage, you have to make your social media plans accommodate mobile promotion strategies. Making an app isn’t as effective as designing a mobile site with superb navigation controls.


Social media campaigns can be successful only if you understand them carefully and correctly. It’s an ecosystem that relies on your ability to interact with people and sell them through this interaction. The start is difficult, but if you survive through it, there are no stops on how successful your venture would turn out to be.

Previous Post: Tips to enhance business prospects through Twitter


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