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The Digital Business Model to Drive Business Transformation

See how your data-driven business measures u and discover your roadmap to an accelerated business growth.


A scale to measure the digital maturity
of your organisation

Defining Six Pillars of Digital Business Transformation
Limited use of 1st Party Data, Heavy dependence on Single Inventory/Channel with manual bidding. No AB testing​
Use of 1st Party Data, across mid and lower funnel. Multiple creatives & Channel. Automated bidding and basic usage of Programmatic and Limited AB testing
Use of 1st and persona-based 3rd party data across all funnels with Programmatic approach. Full Auto smart Bidding and Non last click attribution
Complete view of customer, segments based on LTV, Omnichannel through programmatic. Online Offline Measurement. DDA. Advanced AB testing
Limited use of 1st Party Data, Heavy dependence on Single Inventory/Channel with manual bidding. No AB testing​
Use of 1st Party Data, across mid and lower funnel. Multiple creatives & Channel. Automated bidding and basic usage of Programmatic and Limited AB testing
Use of 1st and persona-based 3rd party data across all funnels with Programmatic approach. Full Auto smart Bidding and Non last click attribution
Complete view of customer, segments based on LTV, Omnichannel through programmatic. Online Offline Measurement. DDA. Advanced AB testing
Limited use of 1st Party Data, Heavy dependence on Single Inventory/Channel with manual bidding. No AB testing​
Use of 1st Party Data, across mid and lower funnel. Multiple creatives & Channel. Automated bidding and basic usage of Programmatic and Limited AB testing
Use of 1st and persona-based 3rd party data across all funnels with Programmatic approach. Full Auto smart Bidding and Non last click attribution
Complete view of customer, segments based on LTV, Omnichannel through programmatic. Online Offline Measurement. DDA. Advanced AB testing
Limited use of 1st Party Data, Heavy dependence on Single Inventory/Channel with manual bidding. No AB testing​
Use of 1st Party Data, across mid and lower funnel. Multiple creatives & Channel. Automated bidding and basic usage of Programmatic and Limited AB testing
Use of 1st and persona-based 3rd party data across all funnels with Programmatic approach. Full Auto smart Bidding and Non last click attribution
Complete view of customer, segments based on LTV, Omnichannel through programmatic. Online Offline Measurement. DDA. Advanced AB testing
Limited use of 1st Party Data, Heavy dependence on Single Inventory/Channel with manual bidding. No AB testing​
Use of 1st Party Data, across mid and lower funnel. Multiple creatives & Channel. Automated bidding and basic usage of Programmatic and Limited AB testing
Use of 1st and persona-based 3rd party data across all funnels with Programmatic approach. Full Auto smart Bidding and Non last click attribution
Complete view of customer, segments based on LTV, Omnichannel through programmatic. Online Offline Measurement. DDA. Advanced AB testing
Limited use of 1st Party Data, Heavy dependence on Single Inventory/Channel with manual bidding. No AB testing​
Use of 1st Party Data, across mid and lower funnel. Multiple creatives & Channel. Automated bidding and basic usage of Programmatic and Limited AB testing
Use of 1st and persona-based 3rd party data across all funnels with Programmatic approach. Full Auto smart Bidding and Non last click attribution
Complete view of customer, segments based on LTV, Omnichannel through programmatic. Online Offline Measurement. DDA. Advanced AB testing
Limited use of 1st Party Data, Heavy dependence on Single Inventory/Channel with manual bidding. No AB testing​
Use of 1st Party Data, across mid and lower funnel. Multiple creatives & Channel. Automated bidding and basic usage of Programmatic and Limited AB testing
Use of 1st and persona-based 3rd party data across all funnels with Programmatic approach. Full Auto smart Bidding and Non last click attribution
Complete view of customer, segments based on LTV, Omnichannel through programmatic. Online Offline Measurement. DDA. Advanced AB testing

Our Methodology

Score Weightage
Study Elements

Questionnaire across

6 DBT areas

Weightage average of scores

across each parameter

Digital marketing transformation,

Operational efficiency

Prioritize investment in digital solutions

Get a clear understanding of where your organisation stands in terms of digital maturity.