2017’s Top Five Marketing Trends

By LS Digital

  • March 10, 2017,
2017's Top Five Marketing Trends

The rapidly moving or rather advancing epoch of technology is posing a direct impact on consumer behaviour. With a booming exposure towards various channels like social media, e-mail and mobile usage it has become crucial for ratiocinative technologies and sophisticated strategies to be put in place for a superior and successful marketing venture. We discuss five trending aspects of marketing that are being considered extensively in this year.

Directly Selling on E-mails

With a concept called ‘Interactive E-mails’, you can set an in-email purchase for a more technology-driven consumer experience. This requires high-end coding where you can use radio buttons and tab values in CSS within an e-mail body. This unique methodology however is not supported by every e-mail client. For instance, Yahoo, AOL and Outlook do not support this feature, so make sure to sort through your e-mail database and provide an ultimate user experience to those customers who can use this facility.

Manage Existing Data

Data analysts are predicting the digital space to breed 40 times bigger by 2020 which is colossal. This is owing to the massive amount of unstructured (or dark) data from the internet and social media. Obviously the challenge of creating a market presence is only going to get larger in the coming times. The key to this hitch is controlling and enhancing the existing data instead of confining any further. Focus on your data capacity, accuracy, quality and the rate at which it is being reached to the targeted audiences’ for superior marketing even through the upcoming hard-hitting period.

Make Apps more Interactive

These days’ apps are the most common and in abundance, be it on the iOS App Store or Google Play. Consumers have however shifted towards core apps rather than downloading several like before. It is a challenging phase for app developers where they need to bring in more innovation. Creating interactive apps that can work on command can be an effective method to achieve consumer engagement. Apps are currently more than plain icons and their functionality should justify a superlative user experience.

Being Customer-centric

With competition exponentially gaining hold along with skills, consumer expectations are sky-rocketing. They are looking for something unique and valuable at the same time. Make the most of technology for understanding consumer behaviour and provide them with solutions suiting their needs. Look at the world through their eyes. As marketers it is your task to furnish clients with an experience and an invaluable service that will oblige them in becoming your most trusted. Revaluate strategies timely in order to keep up and deliver the best. Within a company, it is crucial for all departments to interact with each other since it is this chain that is working unanimously towards the single goal of consumer fulfilment.

Intellectual Insights

It is difficult to please customers and with the growing technology, it has become even more challenging to keep up with the pace. In such scenarios it is essential to make use of the cognitive era and tone up emotions and attitude in a way that appeals to the population. Utilize personalization tools and make it more interactive for the user. Create strategies intellectually and revisit them regularly for providing an upbeat experience. Target audiences’ based on products and services and encourage purchases without bombarding.

Source: 10 Key Marketing Trends for 2017 and Ideas for Exceeding Customer Expectations


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