3 Ways Human-Centric Marketing Approach benefit your business

By LS Digital

  • February 22, 2017,

The conventional way of marketing is losing its charm as the millennial customers are redefining customer experience. The modern customer wants to feel being rewarded by expecting brands to understand and care about their specific needs and requirements. Thus, digital marketers across the globe are now moving from conventional marketing approach to a human-centric marketing approach wherein customers are viewed as interactive communicators whose personal views are highly valued so as to develop a strong rapport with the customers. In fact, the success of human-centric marketing approach completely depends on the strength of meaningful relationships with the customers.

Human-centric marketing approach can benefit your business in several ways. In today’s post, we will shed light on the importance and advantages of adhering to a human-centric marketing approach.

1. Helps to Identify New Horizons of Growth: In order to incorporate a human-centric approach to your marketing strategy, the first thing you need to do is understand the psychology of your clients and customers, as it helps you to—

  • Be aware of their needs;

  • Identify how your customers perceive if you are meeting or failing to meet their wants;

  • Know what they would prefer you to do so that you can cater to their needs flawlessly by improving your products and services.

2. Takes Your Brand To New Heights: More and more companies are now focusing on branding to gain a competitive edge in their respective markets. However, unlike yesteryears, branding today is not confined to how you portray your business to the world. Today, branding indicates how your product, services, and mission are perceived by your target customers. In other words, if you emphasize on customer experience at each stage of consumer buying process, it will enhance positive customer perception, thus, helping you reach new heights with your brand strategy,

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This is the reason why big industry players like Google, Costco, Amazon, and Apple always stand out in customer satisfaction surveys, as they leave no stone unturned to provide a flawless experience to their customers even if they end up losing money on certain transactions. Moreover, these companies take all possible measures to make their customers feel valued. For example, let us take the example of Apple’s tech support station— Genius Bar, designed for enhancing customers’ experience by offering help for Apple products. At the Genius Bar, the employees of Apple not only resolve your issues related to Apple hardware and software but also make you feel like a hero for being an Apple customer. Consequently, you start developing a special liking for Apple products and feel honoured for belonging to Apple family.

3. Enhances Customer Satisfaction: You cannot develop an effectual human-centric marketing approach without gathering relevant information from your existing group of consumers. If you conduct surveys to understand the concerns of your customers and leverage the results of the survey in a fruitful way, you can easily make your customers feel valued. By making your customers feel special; you can not only build a strong customer base but also gain new customers.

For example, let us take the example of a survey carried out by a customer-focussed consultancy group named Walker.

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Image source: Social Media Today

Offering top-notch products and services is no doubt important for your company’s success, but it is not adequate for building your business. The survey reveals that the most crucial factor that contributes to the success of your business is your customers. Thus, your business strategy should be to encourage your customers by knowing their opinions and executing their ideas to develop your offerings so as to fulfil their desires. This also motivates your customers to develop a strong sense of loyalty and belonging.

The human-centric marketing approach is the new marketing trend which is making waves in the modern marketing landscape. Thus, if you do not want to lose your customers, you should find out unique ways and means of making your customers feel valued and rewarded.

Source: Social Media Today


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