A convivial interaction of insane possibilities that were turned into reality

By LS Digital

  • April 4, 2014,
Samir Saraiya - interaction with LogiMates @LogicserveDigi

Samir  Saraiya - interaction with LogiMates @LogicserveDigi

Whenever you take the name “That’s personal”, it leaves everyone with an impish smile. You must have guessed it by now, why it is so. The interactions with Mr. Samir Saraiya spread waves of laughter among us.

By the end of the discussion, anyone, who has heard him will term him as a serial entrepreneur. You must be inquisitive to know why, come on read up! He was extremely reverential to the belief that one can achieve anything and we must believe in possibilities.

From customised Ganesh Visarjan to prenuptial agreements that are not just financial, Mr. Saraiya has tried it all. He shared a glimpse with our Logimates on how to take ideas into execution. He propelled into action with his first random idea of “Dance Ganesh”.

His taste for a different kind of music and love for parties brought together the birth of this unique concept. He and a group of friends put up house music parties, which gave the otherwise sober non dancers to the typical visarjan music, a chance to tap their feet. The whole concept got everyone at office tapping for almost a minute on house music. Do you have any idea holier than this?

Takeaway: There is always space for everyone. When an idea is thought and a “what else” is added to it, then it gives rise to the necessary opportunities.

The second random idea was the prenuptial agreement. Well, this wasn’t completely financial, it included do’s and don’ts one need to have in their lives otherwise too. He encouraged LogiMates to try it out, stating the idea only makes the bond stronger. Everyone agreed.

Take away: One needs to be meticulous with their planning and get down to the detail of everything. Alongside, honesty and prioritisation is also important.

When everything is tried out, there is always art. This expression stands true for Mr. Saraiya. He experimented in the area of modern art. His painting brought in a parade of happy smiles, in the otherwise silent room. A lover of sports, interested in painting eh? Sounds random enough?

Take away: One needs to strongly believe in their idea and everything is possible. One also needs to learn to appreciate the best and worst in us and our choices. This gives us the chance to experiment and see opportunities.

Another idea was the barking beer, where he brought the first micro-brewery for Mumbai. This gives you the premiumness of getting a freshly brewed drink right at your wish. Attached to these strings of random ideas came “That’s personal”.

Take away: Premiumness and exclusiveness matters in business. This gives the entrepreneur a chance to showcase their products the right way to the masses.

For this brand he started off with a market search on understanding what are the brands communicating. He realized that privacy was an area that wasn’t given enough boost. Understanding the potential of this space, he seized the opportunity to come up with an online adult toy store. He offered privacy and guaranteed the user that no one will know a word about the product purchased.

Take away:  Go by your gut feel and with numbers. Good research accompanied by sound decisions will always come a long way for an entrepreneur. Another point is to always have a plan B in place.

The key pointers that lay throughout each of the idea is that “Never forget to take an informed decision”. He emphasises this fact through the learning and his journey. Other takeaways are

  1. Write down an idea and discuss it with your family and friends
  2. Listen to people all the time
  3. Always look at where you can be number one

The discussion spanned with various questions from LogiMates on how to run a business to the business model. One of them even asked what the most unique experiences were during the business, and he had shared a joke that put the room into a sea of laughter. Well, wondering what it is? That’s personal!

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