News : Amazon Lobbying with US Govt for pushing FDI at E-commerce space in India

By admin

  • February 6, 2014,

Amazon, like a few other E-commerce giants are vouching for FDI in the E-commerce industry in India. Recently, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion was allowing comments for opening FDI investment for E-commerce space. Amazon was one of the leading platforms that was vouching for relaxing the regulations in the country.

According to a lobby discloure report,Amazon has been spending a certain amount for lobbying with the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). The company has mentioned that $960,000 across various issues during the current quarter. It will cover those relating to free trade agreements, intelectual property issues etc.

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As shared earlier , and in a few recent reports, we can see that E-commerce is set to grow in the country and will contribute to the GDP growth in a few years. The potential of this industry explains the need for bigger E-commerce giants to lobby at their home front.

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