An evening with Mr. Subramanium : A concoction of wit, parody and insight

By LS Digital

  • March 10, 2014,

LogicTalk_Mr. Subramanium @LogicserveDigi

When we first announced at Logicserve Digital that we have Mr. Subramanium, CEO, Reliance Life Sciences, for LogicTalk everyone was amazed. They got quizzical about what would be the result of a confluence between the world of Biology and Digital media. Well, the intent was to reach out to the entrepreneurs present in every LogiMate.

Mr. Subramanium made us chuckle throughout the conversation. While he paraphrased the use of empathy and sympathy in a jovial context, his nugget of experience had us pondering over a few ideas on innovation and ethics.

The narration on his journey with Reliance Life Sciences was suave. Everyone enjoyed the conversation down to the wire. He explained a few perplexing concepts in simple terms, the same way how Steven Weinberg explained Doppler Effect, in his book The First Three Minutes.

Mr. KV Subramanium LogicTalk @LogicserveDigi

Among the nuggets for take away, here are a few that left an impact on LogiMates. Wish to cut corners already? Come on!  You might like to read these actionable advises “without” a pinch of salt.

1. Factor everyone’s inputs, but make your own decisions: Mr. Subramanium emphasised that one should take the onus of their decision. He shared an incident on how he wished to venture into a new idea and 9 out of 10 interceptors gave a negative response. Further, he penned down the pros and cons of his decision and reached a conclusion. He stuck to his choices and humbly cited its relevance through his stature and happiness.

2. Get into the last detail of everything: One of the secrets for any plan to convert into a fruitful action is to get to the last detail. Simplifying and reaching to the bottom of everything is the key. Easier said than done?  He shared, “Go through your plans and dissect them”. Do try it out and share, if it worked for you.

3. Act like the owner of a company: Want to be an entrepreneur? Well, then think like one. He pointed out that, the growth of an organisation is every bit in hands of its employee and the employer. The company grows when we grow. The next time you want to get a budget approved for a campaign, approach it like an owner.

So the conjuncture of the entire interaction  for us at Logicserve Digital is that, no matter whatever background you come from, “Think like an Entrepreneur”.

With right kind of support and conducive learning environment in an organisation one can flourish. Just the same way how at Reliance Life Sciences the organisation keeps faith in the employee and gives them the opportunity to grow.

One can fairly state that, the conversation left everyone as wise as Solomon.

For more you can follow the interaction on our Twitter id with #LogicTalk


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