Data Driven Attribution: A Google Analytics Premium Feature

By admin

  • November 24, 2014,

Data Driven Attribution @LogicserveDigi

How many times have your marketing campaign simply failed because regardless of the effort you put into it, you just can’t track when and where your customers click the exit button? Now, you finally have a respite as digital marketing might as well take a new turn.

What Is Data Driven Attribution?

You may be wondering as to what is this term and why has it generated so much hype. We are here to talk about it.

Data driven attribution is a model which actually charts the whole journey of a customer and helps you trace the end point as to whether the customer ended up making a purchase or did he/she fail to make the conversion.

This modeling method has been computed after careful consideration of too many parameters that influence the buying decision of a customer. We are all aware that more than one factor comes into play when you are looking to generate the right leads from your business and convert them to sales.

With this model, you will be able to get a much better and clearer insight into which keywords are performing better; which channels seem to be offering better dividends and other sales points that have been offering you the best output you could have asked for.

Google analytics tool @LogicserveDigi

Now that you have some idea of what the data driven attribution model is all about, we will talk about the reasons you should use it too.

Why Data Driven Attribution?

Data driven @LogicserveDigi

There are plenty of different reasons which will offer you the right incentives for using this model. We are going to talk of those which will get you interested.

  • Increased transparency: one of the key reasons is that this model is going to offer you much larger transparency and you will be able to get a better idea of the methods that are offering the results. Often, when you carry out digital marketing, you use a blend of multiple methods and we fail to see which method is good enough and the ones that are useless. With this method and better data output, you can get a clear picture of the channels you should tap more as compared to others.
  • Improved decision making capability: when you are taking marketing decisions, it becomes important to be sure that you are blessed with the right decision making capabilities. With this tool, you will have a much better picture of how your conversion rate is working. Thus, it improves the ease with which you can come to the right decision.
  • Easy to integrate: marketing and business requires more than one tool for operation. With data driven attribution model, you will find integration with other leading Google tools like YouTube and AdWords is not going to be difficult. This model has been designed to offer you easy integration.

Aren’t these enough incentives to try out this model? You will be able to get the actual numbers, percentages and the sequential flow of the precise points which the customers are following from start till the end of their navigation cycle. It might end up making all the difference to your business!

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