Facebook Revamping Mobile Apps

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  • October 15, 2013,
Facebook revamping mobile apps

Facebook revamping mobile apps

Facebook’s latest launch of mobile app provides the businesses with a better chance to engage with the smart phone users. Through Facebook Mobile Apps, many brands now enjoy yet another valuable opportunity to retarget customers who otherwise have lost interest in the brand.

This launch takes branding and retargeting to a whole new level and also throws light on the latest trend of launching apps without much of a thought process. According to a research by the mobile app analytics, after the initial launch the mobile app engagement drops to 24 percent in just three months and a further 4% by the end of 1st year.

Facebook apps offer a high level consumer interaction with the brand. It gives marketers a well deserved chance of rekindling the relationship with their long lost consumers and also highlights the absence of a well crafted mobile marketing strategy in the present times.

With such huge amount of money spent in the initial launches of these mobile apps, most of the mobile marketing apps lack a strong future mainly because of the “let’s build it, they will come in” approach. However, the Facebook mobile app is a sure shot opportunity for the customers for a better consumer engagement and re targeting.


With better features and smooth navigation, Facebook mobile app is a good way for the brands to engage with customers and highlights the need of a well thought marketing strategy that is required for tapping the consumer base of smart phone users.

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