Google AdWords Review Extension moves out of Beta Phase

By admin

  • October 24, 2013,
Google AdWords Review Extension @LogicserveDigi

Google AdWords Review Extension @LogicserveDigi

Back in late June this year, Google had introduced AdWords Review Extension designed to allow the AdWord account holders to add the reviews from a third-party, right into the advertisements. It was initially rolled out in a beta testing phase with signing up possible only through contact to an AdWord rep. In a recent announcement, though a Google+ post in the AdWords page, Google stated that it had extended the AdWords Review Extension all the users.

What is the AdWords Review Extension?

The review extension is meant to exactly what book publishers have been doing for ages– Showcase positive reviews. The AdWords Review extension will let you quote or paraphrase reviews, rankings etc. from a third-party. These reviews would be visible along with your advertisements along with a link to the review publisher’s website.

Adding a Review to your Campaign

The Review Extension is enabled by a simplistic UI. You start with the Ad extensions tab and then go to Review Extensions. Click +Extension will lead you the question of to which campaign you want to add the review extension to. Google makes it categorically clear, that you are solely responsible to acquire the rights to publish the reviews of the concerned third-party.

The review text is understandably succinct with a 67 character limit including the name of the publisher. As stated by Google, the authenticity of the reviews is verified using automated and human-based methods. So, after you save a review it takes a few days to get approved. Google has obviously found a way to ensure that fraudulent reviews don’t get pass the filter.

The Effects of the extension

Showcasing reviews is a time-tested strategy. It has worked almost everywhere. These reviews can be helpful especially to small scale local businesses which cannot use the Seller Extension. You don’t have to pay neither for the clicks on the publisher’s landing page links nor for inclusion of the review. No hindrances on your side, except maybe for the review publishing rights. The upshot from would be a visible increase in the click-through rate. The searcher will enter your site, with the reviews in mind, making a sale more probable. As a user, you get to have an extra marker on whether to waste a click on some advertisement or not.

This Review Extension has obviously seen positive response otherwise Google wouldn’t have rolled it out within 4 months. This will improve both the veracity and efficacy of AdWords. So, if you run a campaign, make sure you start collecting your accolades!


The extension will add the necessary credibility to your Ads. This will increase the trust of the consumer. In the longer run it will uplift the brand popularity with a reviewed source, subsequently working as a word of mouth  for your products.

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