How to Make Your Social Media Strategy Stronger For the Coming Year

By Logicserve News Desk

  • December 20, 2018,

With the end of 2018 approaching, it is that time of the year when you look back at all you have done throughout the year and improve for the year that awaits you. Social media strategies are far too dynamic, and can be hard to decipher.

Here are some useful tips that help you improve your social media strategy for 2019.

  1. Review Your Current Social Media Performance
    The oldest trick in the book, you cannot know what your ails your social media output unless you review it thoroughly. You really need to take a step back and ask yourself which social media networks are you on, whether they are relevant to your brand’s goals, and most importantly, which of them are evidently sucking in time and yielding the least possible results.
  2. Optimise Your Social Media Networks
    Once you determine what is harming your social media strategy, the natural course of action would be to clean them off. You would need a cleaner and better social media bio entering into 2019.
    Ensure that your profile and header images are clear and that they include keywords in your “About us” section. Though all this is basic, it is more likely to be overlooked, and hence needs special attention.
  3. Know What You Are Aiming For
    By now you have a clearer understanding of what your social media plan lacks, and hence you fix those loose ends. But that cannot happen in the absence of goals you have in mind.
    Your social media goals do not have to be complicated. You need to set practical and achievable goals for yourself and push to achieve all that you set out to achieve.
  4. Create A Content Schedule
    Consistency is a major part of creating an online strategy that wins in the long run. When you have a content schedule, you will be able to notice the gaps in your earlier plans and target to close them off with better and more consistent content.
  5. Video Content Will Help
    Though a lot may have changed from last year to this, one thing remains – the hit ratio of video content. In the year ahead, there will be more reliance on online content, especially with the rise of Instagram stories and IGTV. Content is getting more and more visual, and you would have to ensure that you are ahead of the curve that matters.
  6. Repeat The Process
    Nothing can ever be achieved in the first go. But if you keep trying hard enough, you would eventually. You have to review the execution of your process, and keep going at it harder than before, filling more gaps than you did earlier.
    This way, you would soon have an effective fail-proof plan which will bring you better returns.

In a dynamic industry like social media marketing, determining the elements in SMM that work for you is hard. These trends will be able to provide some guidance to marketers on how to best utilise the social media marketing campaign budget to generate maximum ROI in 2019.

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