Increase Your Followers With Right Twitter Etiquettes

By LS Digital

  • July 5, 2015,

Tricks to Increase Twitter Followers

Has someone retweeted your tweet or followed you lately? If yes, then congratulations! It means people appreciate what you have to say and like to share it with their followers.

Twitter has gone beyond a tool used for branding. Brands use it as a means of attending real-time queries by the consumers. As a user or a brand on Twitter, you need to know these Twitter etiquettes. These will help you understand how to respond when someone follows, retweets and more.

So, let’s look at some twitter etiquettes that can help you increase your followers and have that right impact.

  1. Follow them

Have a look at users’ profile that retweeted your tweet or followed you. If you think they can really add value or give you some valuable information, follow them! If not, then simply thank them by sending a direct message.

There is no obligation as such to follow back when they follow you. Following is a lot like having friends in real-life. Therefore, who you follow tells a lot about you, what you exactly do and where you stand. Therefore, think before you follow someone.


  1. Add to list

Twitter list is the new ‘follow’ for marketers, small businesses and even large organisations. It is the best way to organize your followers with grouping method. Create a list of people can really make an impact on your business and ensure you never miss a tweet from them. For instance, if you are small business owner you can create separate lists for customers and potential customers. Check how Cadboury has created their lists.

cadboury twitter listAnother interesting thing about lists is it lets you take a sneak peek into your competitors every move. Simply add them to private lists, and they won’t know you are watching them!

Twitter gives you an added bonus by allowing you to subscribe lists of individuals and brands, you think are influential and suits best to your marketing campaign. Simply click on the subscribe button as shown below.

Cadboury twitter subscribe button


  1. Reciprocate

If you do not wish to follow the person who retweeted your tweet, simply check his/her tweets. See if you find any tweet worth sharing and retweet it.

Adidas Retweet

Twitter gives you even better way to reciprocate by recently introducing an ‘Add comment’ feature to retweets. It enables you to add a comment with 116 characters justifying the reason of your retweets. Check the example given below:


  1. Retweet a retweet

Say, you highly revere a celeb and retweeted one of their tweets. What if that celeb RTs your RT with a wonderful comment! You would certainly like to RT that RT and let your followers know that your favorite celeb has replied with a comment!

The same applies to you and your followers. RT your RT with some more quality content. This way you can recognize the retweeter, by displaying the concern to give more value.


  1. Direct Message

If you have large number of followers, sending a thank you note every time someone follows you becomes tedious and time consuming. To solve this problem, there are several tools available that sends automatic ‘Thank You’ note when someone follows you. So, increase your productivity with tools like SocialOomph, Twitter DMer, TweetDeck and others.


  1. Ignite discussion

Keeping your followers hooked is the key to successful social media marketing. There are several ways to do this. One of the best ways is to keep your conversations alive. Keep interacting with people who retweets, favorite or follow you. Replying to the retweets with a question and start the conversation. This will enable other users to follow the conversation thread. See how Nike keeps their followers tugged with conversations.

Nike twitter conversations

  1. Mention in groups

Sending separate ‘thank you’ tweets for every other follower or retweeters is time consuming. The best way is to list down all the users who retweeted your tweet or followed you. Using the @mention feature and thank them all at a one go.



Keep making friends on Twitter and follow the right people who you think can help you in your marketing campaign. Always retweet with a comment and acknowledge your followers and fans by favorites or direct messages. Follow these Twitter etiquettes and have that desired impact on your social media community.

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