News : Facebook to roll out new single column design for desktop viewing

By admin

  • March 12, 2014,
LogicNews @LogicserveDigi

LogicNews @LogicserveDigi

In a recent announcement , Facebook has shared that it will be rolling out single column desktop view for pages. Unlike the earlier double column view, this one will give explicit focus on a single post. The design is similar to the user profile updates.

This will mean that all your posts will constantly appear on the right side of your page. The left side column will have your necessary information such as maps, business details etc.

This streamlined look will make brand pages look cleaner. Facebook has been over the recent past, has also introduced pages to watch for brands. This new design will make it more user-friendly and appealing. Hence, it can considerably increase the chances of the user to stay longer. Overall, this move will help those who are looking at paid search for their brands.
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