News : Infibeam acquires ODigMa, digital marketing firm and more

By admin

  • February 25, 2014,
Ecommerce companies growth and aquistion @LogicserveDigi

Ecommerce companies growth and aquistion @LogicserveDigi

In a move to expand its business and strengthen its foray into the online marketing space, Infibeam has acquired OdigMa, a digital marketing agency

The move seems to be extremely beneficial for OdigMa. Since its inception in 2011 it has served more than 400 clients.

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If we observe the past few months, acquisitions similar to these are becoming a trend. Most big companies seem to pushing harder for coming up with an integrated marketing platforms with many services under one roof.

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Snapdeal will now also be a market place for education service companies

The company has ventured into service commerce space. For now it has deals from companies such as TestFunda, Edukart etc. The main aim of this move is to give a common platform for such brands.

LogicSpeak :

The Indian e-learning space has grown up to a $173.4 million in 2013. There are about 140 learning companies in India. (Source : NextBigWhat) . This move is another feature on the cap for big e-commerce portals like snapdeal.

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