Survey: Following Your Favorite Brands on Social Media

By LS Digital

  • November 6, 2019,

Do you follow the social media pages of your favorite brands?

Here’s a look at last week’s results where we asked users about the aspects of content they find appealing.

The results are very interesting.

  • As you can see, most of the respondents (28%) said that they prefer creative and informative content followed by respondents (19%) who prefer content that is relatable to real-life scenarios.
  • Few people (17%) are also interested in humourous content and some of the respondents (8%) prefer other types of content.
  • Marketers need to create strategies focused on creating informative and relatable content to attract and retain the audience, which will ultimately drive customer action.
  • Considering the interest of consumers, brands have an opportunity to build more creative and informative content, which will provide necessary information to their audiences while also promoting the products and services they offer. If the users find the information interesting, this will help in building brand equity and trust among the users.

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