Using videos and images for better marketing

By admin

  • October 12, 2013,
better marketing strategy @logicservedigi

better marketing strategy

Visually creative strategies are working well across all the sales cycle and create rich content experiences for buyers. Research shows that 44% of customers are likely to engage more with the brands that post pictures and 85% are more likely to purchase a product for which a video is uploaded. This means you need to define correctly what you plan to tell your customers and you’re on your way of creating a interactive conversation with your digital media viewers.

Simple article content if written precisely is no more enough to affect the readers. In today’s digital media age, what you need is a conversation more than just content and there is no better compelling conversation than inclusion of pictures and videos. It takes the involvement of your audience to a completely new level.

Online video creates a more personal interaction between the business and its customers. You can still interpret the words written in a different way but not if it is backed by a strong video or pictures. It ensures that your audience is getting exactly what you are trying to convey, thus making your chances of business conversions much better.

Inclusion of videos and images help in better marketing for your business in more than one ways. It engages your target audience completely giving you a lot of scope of selling your idea.


Visual creatives are an integral part of today’s digital marketing strategy and images and videos keeps you in trend and in competition.

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