Ways to optimise Social Media Channels

By admin

  • December 3, 2013,
Social media optimisation for blogs @LogicserveDigi

Social media optimisation for blogs @LogicserveDigi

Maintaining effective social media guarantees that you make a positive impression on your prospective business contacts as and when they look for you online. Also, remember to capitalize upon this social media traffic proactively and watch your business expand and grow.

For those yet to adopt and embrace social media for their brands, here are a few pointers that will help you manage your virtual identity in the right manner.

Be consistent when establishing your brand online – Plan and prepare your corporate logo and tag line keeping in mind the social media factor, as your fans and followers are likely to identify with your logo across various social media channels. Especially, when there are quite a few of them e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Slideshare, LinkedIn and others. Also, it helps if you run the same campaign or promote the same products/services across other platforms for building up a trust worthy customer relationship.

Hyperlinks from profile pages – Since you wish to enjoy traffic to your site through your social media profile pages make sure relevant hyperlinks are provided on them. It is important for your visitors to find relevant information when they arrive at your site from your social media page else they will be disillusioned to never return. These relevant links are likely to enhance your SEO rankings too, so make sure they are most suitable ones.

Acknowledge & Respond – Being active on social media is one the key parameters for its successful performance. If you find a new fan or follower on your profile, do cross check and then follow back. This gives you an opportunity to listen to their requirements, feedback and even queries. It is through this channel that you can solve their issues and engage customers to the next level, publicly or at a personal level as per your preference.

Link to other posts and publishers – When sharing an article on social media, try linking the author as well the post as this means you are acknowledging the authors’ inputs and efforts too. In return, you could get good feedback or a response or even a new follower and soon his/her followers may be following you along with the author.

Understand and implement the USP of each social network – Each social network has its own set of USP which could have made it click and popular. For instance the ‘retweet’ button, the Google + hangout and circles have their own USPs which is evolving and definitely useful.

Social Media Analytics – With free and/or paid analytics offered by social media networks, you could always devote some time to study and evaluate them. This helps you in understanding the traffic trends and preferences which can be worked upon for better engagement.

Prove your worth to earn respect and recognition – When on a social media channel, you have to be responsive, cooperative and of course, useful by promptly attending to their issues and queries, if any or acknowledging their posts or tweets. If at all, you are planning to run a contest or campaign on a particular channel, make sure you announce the same on other channels and invite them to participate too.

Give Paid Advertising a try – Your scope to grow online increases when social media campaigns are supported by paid advertising initiative for your visibility factor is enhanced greatly. Imagine your ads being displayed when people query for your products/services through the search engines especially if they are not following on social media channels.

LogicSpeak :

Maintaining effective social media presence guarantees that you make a positive impression on your prospective business contacts as and when they look out for you online. Also, remember to capitalize upon this social media traffic proactively and watch your business expand and grow.

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