Weekend Digital Media News Roundup: Efficient use of ad customisers, new social platform features and more.

By Logicserve News Desk

  • November 25, 2016,
logicserve digital logicnews @LogicserveDigi

Logicserve Digital brings to you a curated round-up of important digital marketing updates this week. For further queries, you can write to us at: newsbulletin@logicserve.com

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  1. Ad customizers just got a whole lot more powerful

Columnist Frederick Vallaeys discusses the new capabilities of ad customizers in AdWords, explaining how you can use them to serve better, more relevant ads.

  1. Everything You Need To Know About View Through Conversions

It is crucial to consider view through conversions because it helps to monitor the indirect value that your Google Display Network Campaigns are delivering.

  1. 5 New Social Platform Features You Need to Know About

There’s always something new in the social media space. Even as we come into Thanksgiving weekend, the platforms continue to release updates and changes.

  1. Google is testing images in Sitelink extensions

Image extensions have come and gone and come again. Google tested them in 2013, but they never got off the ground.

  1. Influencer Marketing: Do’s and Don’ts

Influencer marketing, also known as ‘Word of Mouth’ marketing is a marketing concept that has been significantly transforming the way businesses provide value to their customers.

  1. Google Maps Will Now Show You Real-Time Data About How Crowded Places Are

Google Maps over the years has gained several users specific features including real-time transit information in select cities.

  1. Google expands mobile-optimized ‘rich cards’ in Search to cover local restaurants and online courses

Google is expanding its rich cards program in Search and will now enable local restaurants and online course providers to display their content in a more engaging, mobile-optimized interface.

  1. Location-based marketing: Where is it today, and where is it headed?

Columnist Aaron Strout takes a close look at the current state of location-based marketing and predicts what we can expect to see going forward.

  1. Snapchat’s Image Recognition-Triggered Ads are a Step Closer, Functionality Now Live

Snapchat’s under fire from Facebook, with The Social Network copying many of Snapchat’s core features and either releasing them to everyone or within specific markets.

  1. Facebook Doubles As Unofficial Travel Agent

How does the modern traveler find inspiration for their next adventure? Well, it’s not likely through direct advertising.

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