Weekend Digital Media News Roundup: Native mobile advertising, building personal brand, Negative keywords in Adwords, Facebook’s retargeting Ads and more.

By Logicserve News Desk

  • January 13, 2017,
logicserve digital logicnews @LogicserveDigi

Logicserve Digital brings to you a curated round-up of important digital marketing updates this week. For further queries, you can write to us at: newsbulletin@logicserve.com

  1. Why 2017 Will be the Tipping Point for Native Mobile Advertising

Three years ago, the great prophecy came true: consumers used the tiny computers in their pockets more than the computers sitting on their desks.  (Source: Ad Age India)

  1. Facebook Continues to Evolve Facebook Live, Announces New Tools

Yes, the live-streaming trend was ignited by Meerkat and Periscope, with Facebook being a late comer to the party. But The Social Network, and its massive scale, is rapidly taking over the space. (Source: Social Media Today)

  1. Understanding SSL Certificates to Secure Your Website

SSL certificate, the abbreviated form of Secure Sockets Layer Certificate is an online identification proof for businesses. (Source: Logicserve Digital)

  1. Facebook’s mid-roll video ads will be limited to 15 seconds

Advertisers can pick content categories they do or don’t want their ads to interrupt, but may want more control over placement. (Source: Marketing Land)

  1. Seeing Tweets from People You Don’t Follow? You’re Not Alone

Hundreds – if not thousands – of Twitter users are reporting seeing tweets from people they don’t follow in their timelines, and are justifiably asking for an explanation as to what’s going on. (Source: Social Media Today)

  1. How to Build Your Personal Brand?

Personal branding is the process of marketing yourself and your career as brands so as to establish an ‘image’ about yourself, or your business in the mind of others. In today’s era, building your personal brand is as important as building your company’s brand. (Source: Logicserve Digital)

  1. Google App for Android gets a refresh with new shortcuts to frequently used features

Shortcuts to widgets for Weather, Nearby Restaurants, My Events and more appear at top of Google Now home screen. Source: Search Engine Land

  1. AdWords Managed Accounts can finally share negative keyword lists across accounts

Google has quietly added another perk for Managed Accounts: the ability to create and share negative keyword lists across accounts. Maybe you’ve been laboriously adding the same lists of negative keyword accounts manually or using a script to automate cross-account negative lists. (Source: Search Engine Land)

  1. Facebook’s retargeted ads broadened to include rivals’ sites, Page audiences

Almost two years after Facebook rolled out a way for advertisers to retarget people checking out products on their sites, the social network is adding the ability to extend that retargeting to people checking out products on other brands’ sites and apps, as well as their Facebook followers. (Source: Marketing Land)

  1. Sharethrough boosts native programmatic advertising on mobile with Adelphic integration

Native advertising supply-side platform (SSP) Sharethrough this week announced integration of native programmatic advertising with Adelphic, the mobile and cross-channel demand-side platform (DSP). The deal combines Sharethrough’s publisher network with Adelphic’s mobile ad expertise. (Source: Moby Affiliates)


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