Weekend Digital Media Round-up: Google Ad Manager’s first price auctions, Twitter’s “Timing Is Everything”, Instagram’s “branded content ad” and More…

By Logicserve News Desk

  • March 8, 2019,

1. Google Ad Manager adopting first price auctions for programmatic display, video

With the aim of simplifying programmatic buying, Google Ad Manager will start transitioning publisher inventory to a first price auction format. As the market leader in programmatic, Google Ad Manager’s (formerly DoubleClick) move will have broad implications for the industry, which has been pushing toward first price auctions. [Source: MARTECH TODAY]

2. Twitter’s new tool gives video creators insights to boost engagement

Twitter has launched a publisher insights tool called “Timing Is Everything” that uses historical data to highlight when users are most often watching and engaging with video on the platform. [Source: Marketing Land]

3. Instagram is Working on a New Ad Unit for Sponsored Posts

Instagram is set to roll out a new ad format for sponsored posts published by influencers. AdAge reports the new format is called a “branded content ad,” and is part of a larger strategy to build formal partnerships between brands and creators. [Source: Search Engine Journal]

4. Google Opens up Access to Google Merchant Center Results for Non-AdWords Retailers in the US

Google Merchant Center has extended this facility only to online retailers in the US. However, it’s expected that Google will roll out this change in other countries in the next few months. [Source: Logicserve Digital]

5. Maximize Clicks in Bing Ads now available globally

Bing Ads has rolled out Maximize Clicks to all accounts globally. It first introduced the automated bidding strategy in 2017. [Source: Search Engine Land]

6. Google Announces New Shopping Ads on Google Images

With Pinterest reportedly considering an IPO for later in the year, Google has this week taken a shot at the platform’s core offering by announcing a new product discovery option which will enable brands to reach consumers who are searching via Google Images. [Source: Social Media Today]

7. Pinterest Adds More Ways for Businesses to Share and Promote their Products

Pinterest is ramping up its eCommerce tools, this time through the addition of new product catalogs and personalized shopping recommendations, in order to maximize business potential. [Source: Social Media Today]

8. Google introduces educational app Bolo to improve children’s literacy in India

Google is expanding its suite of apps designed for the Indian market with the launch of a new language-learning app aimed at children, called Bolo. [Source: Tech Crunch]

9. Google Adds New ‘Offers’ Section to Google Business Profiles

Google continues to add more ways for brands to control how their businesses appear in search results, including curated product detail listings, business posts, and now, a new section for special offers, right within your Google listing. [Source: Social Media Today]

10. Google Ads API now out of beta, v0 will sunset April 30

The production-ready v1 of the Google Ads API is now available and ready for use.  The beta version of the Google Ads API will no longer be accessible as of April 30, 2019. [Source: Search Engine Land]

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