World Wide Web Technology – Becoming Increasingly Powerful v/s Invasion of Privacy

By admin

  • March 23, 2009,


A technology revolution which has changed the world, in the initial stages it was eagerly and overwhelmingly welcomed by the world. As we go on using the web, we not only realize its importance, our dependence on it, but also to what extent it can rule over us and also gain access to our private life.

Browsing site for mere information, knowledge and awareness, shopping online for daily needs and requirements, conducting business online, networking and staying connected with family and friends is something regular and routine, which we all do in our daily lives. But imagine all these activities being monitored, observed and even collected for future use especially commercial use.

Recent debates hovering around as to what extent our private lives should get monitored and digitized have been held, but the breakthrough has yet to be evolved. Even Sir Tim Berners-Lee is vehemently opposing the move of monitoring browsing patterns of the mass and wishes all those involved ie the government, companies and other third parties should stop indulging in these activities.

All in all it does mean that each and every query of yours entered in Google browser is being monitored. And you need not be surprised if related advertisements appear on your computer screen. Google has become so very powerful that it can track a person through the mobile interface, thus you can very well expect each movement of yours being tracked and tabbed.

Another firm called Phorm is almost set to monitor your screen and display targeted advertisements. In a way, if possible Phorm acts as an intermediary point between the internet provider and network and earn revenue against the information it has gathered and passed it on to the client.

All such happenings are definitely startling and thought provoking. We need to draw a line somewhere in order to keep a tab on technology and make sure it does not supersede us on any count. Ultimately what counts here is that you at a personal level, need to be extra smart and cautious so as to not to fall into any trap or marketing gimmick.

Though a concrete solution to it may take a long time to arrive at, but by then the technology must have gone much ahead in the race. Keep debating and struggling!!

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