LS Digital

Let’s get started!

Please answer the below set of questions and get a detailed report.



Creative & communication

Innovation & Technology

Data & Insights

Customer Experience



Question 1

How would you describe your organization's current approach to digital marketing media strategy?

Question 2

How does your organization currently approach digital media reporting?

Question 3

How do you assess the efficiency of your current media mix?

Question 4

What reports do you look at for digital media channels?

Question 5

Are visualisations available for your report?

Question 6

What is your Cookie strategy/ approach to tranisitoning from 3rd party (external) cookies to 1st party(internal) cookies?

Question 7

How do you integrate backend data with your media buying platforms?

Question 8

How effectively are you leveraging digital media channels for your strategy?

Question 9

Do you have a strategy for experimenting with new digital media channels?


Question 1

What digital assets do you currently own and manage?

Question 2

How involved are users in product development?

Question 3

How do you decide which new features to add to your products?

Question 4

Do you monitor the usability of your product?

Question 5

How do you benchmark your product's user interface and user experience (UI/UX)?

Question 6

Do you have a dedicated UI/UX team?

Question 7

Which department/vertical is the UI/UX team part of?

Question 8

Do you have a standardized approach (design system) for how your brand looks and feels?

Question 9

How frequently do you conduct user testing and gather feedback for UI/UX improvements?

Creative & Communication

Question 1

What is your brand communication strategy across mediums (digital + traditional)?

Question 2

Do you have a separate creative strategy for digital media?

Question 3

How often do you refresh your digital media creatives?

Question 4

Are you exploring different digital ad formats in your campaigns?

Question 5

Have you ventured into using Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) creatives in your campaigns?

Question 6

Do you implement personalization strategies based on audience profiling and touchpoints?

Question 7

How do you currently manage your content?

Question 8

Do you actively analyze and optimize your digital creative performance?

Innovation & Technology

Question 1

Do you have a process for scanning and adopting new marketing technologies?

Question 2

How are you using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in your marketing strategy?

Question 3

When do you anticipate using Web 3.0 and the metaverse?

Question 4

What is your strategy for staying updated on emerging technologies and digital trends?

Data & Insights

Question 1

What is your data integration strategy when collating data from different marketing systems

Question 2

Do you have a unified view of your consumers across every touchpiont (digital and non digital both)?

Question 3

How do you view your business/digital performance numbers?

Question 4

How do you approach KPI measurement and tracking of your marketing efforts?

Question 5

How do you handle data security and compliance in your data management practices?

Customer Experience

Question 1

What approach does your organization have in place to enhance and optimize the experience of our users (customers, clients, or stakeholders)?

Question 2

What is your customer engagement strategy?

Question 3

How are you leveraging your 1st party database?

Question 4

What is your strategy for experimenting with consumer experiences?

Question 5

How do you gather customer feedback for improving digital CX?


Question 1

How would you describe the digital skills and expertise within your organization?

Question 2

What is your current team structure for managing Digital Marketing Transformation (DMT)?

Question 3

What is the process maturity level for managing cross-teams/functions related to DMT?

Question 4

How do you manage priorities for digital marketing transformation ideas?

Question 5

What is your partner ecosystem for managing DMT?